Required Competitions

Required Phases of Competition
Personal Interview - 35%
Collegiate USA delegates will have a 5 minute personal interview with a panel of judges. This is their opportunity to allow the judges to get to know and convince them that they are the best candidate for the job. Questions will be formulated from the delegate's Judges' Interview Form, current events, community service, educational goals, and career ambition. On-time submission of the Judges Interview Form. as well as neatness and completion of the form is important. A nice dress or pantsuit appropriate for a TV host interview is recommended.
Poise & Elegance in Evening Gown - 25%
This competition is designed for the delegate to make an on-stage statement of her personality. Select a prom or formal dress that is appropriate for your age and personality. The color and style are your choice. The gown must be floor-length. You will be judged on confidence, elegance and stage presence, not on the specific price of the gown.
Lifestyle & Fitness - 25%
This competition is designed to determine how well the participant maintains a figure that reflects good physical fitness and health. Collegiate USA delegates may choose to wear a one-piece or 2-pc swimsuit. No string or thong bikinis allowed. Footwear: skin tone or clear heels. Note. Inappropriate swimsuits will not be allowed.
Scholarship Resume - 15%
The Scholarship Resume phase of competition provides an opportunity to promote themselves, whether a high school student or a young woman in her professional career. Using the Scholarship Resume, we encourage delegates to highlight her academic achievements, internship or career accomplishments, community involvement, future goals and more. This phase is worth 15% of the total score of the national competition and is intended to share the young woman’s intellect, passions, and special talents.
Required Phases of Competition
Personal Interview - 35%
High School USA delegates will have a 5 minute personal interview with a panel of judges. This is their opportunity to allow the judges to get to know and convince them that they are the best candidate for the job. Questions will be formulated from the delegate's Judges' Interview Form, current events, community service, educational goals, and career ambition. On-time submission of the Judges Interview Form. as well as neatness and completion of the form is important. A nice dress or pantsuit appropriate for a TV host interview is recommended.
Poise & Elegance in Evening Gown - 25%
This competition is designed for the delegate to make an on-stage statement of her personality. Select a prom or formal dress that is appropriate for your age and personality. The color and style are your choice. The gown must be floor-length. You will be judged on confidence, elegance and stage presence, not on the specific price of the gown.
Lifestyle & Fitness - 25%
This competition is designed to determine how well the participant maintains a figure that reflects good physical fitness and health. High School USA delegates may choose to wear a one-piece of 2-pc fitness wear outfit.
Footwear: Athletic tennis shoes only.
Note. Inappropriate fitness outfits will not be allowed.
Scholarship Resume - 15%
The Scholarship Resume phase of competition provides an opportunity to promote themselves, whether a high school student or a young woman in her professional career. Using the Scholarship Resume, we encourage delegates to highlight her academic achievements, internship or career accomplishments, community involvement, future goals and more. This phase is worth 15% of the total score of the national competition and is intended to share the young woman’s intellect, passions, and special talents.
Required Phases of Competition

Personal Interview - 50%
Jr. High School USA delegates will participate in a round-robin style interview with the judges for a total of 3 minutes.This is their opportunity to allow the judges to get to know and convince them that they are the best candidate for the job. Questions will be formulated from the delegate's Judges' Interview Form, current events, community service, educational goals, and career ambition. On-time submission of the Judges Interview Form. as well as neatness and completion of the form is important. A nice dress or pantsuit appropriate for a TV host interview is recommended.
Poise & Elegance in Evening Gown - 25%
This competition is designed for the delegate to make an on-stage statement of her personality. Select a prom or formal dress that is appropriate for your age and personality. The color and style are your choice. The gown must be floor-length. You will be judged on confidence, elegance and stage presence, not on the specific price of the gown.
Lifestyle & Fitness - 25%
This competition is designed to determine how well the participant maintains a figure that reflects good physical fitness and health. Jr. High School USA delegates may choose to wear a one-piece of 2-pc fitness wear outfit.
Footwear: Athletic tennis shoes only.
Note. Inappropriate fitness outfits will not be allowed.